Thursday, December 1, 2016

When Is A Lawyer Required For A Workers Comp Claim?

The purpose of Georgia's workers compensation laws is to help make sure that workers get compensated appropriately for the various costs associated with injury in the workplace - and they do this without identifying who is at fault for an accident. The result is that most workers can get immediate medical attention following an injury at work, that is, immediately after the employer has been notified that the accident occurred. It's common for workers who need basic medical attention for a fairly minor injury to receive full medical care without needing to pay a bill or complete a claim form to get an Accepted Claim in Marietta GA.


Sadly, not all injuries in the workplace are this straightforward. Many can get serious injuries that take a great deal of time away from work. When the injuries are this serious, or if a claim is not being considered valid, victims of an injury need the assistance of an Atlanta workers comp attorney.